...about a week ago...
Before they reached Oklahoma, Dr. Randolph knew he had to tell Jack something. He drove in the car with Jason silently approaching their next gas stop. In had been hours since Jack flew away in Texas. Since then, he has drifted away up ahead in the clouds. He just kept flying and left the rest on earth. Dr. Randolph pulled into the interstate rest stop and got out of the car to gas up. Jason sat in the front seat with head phones on, connected to his laptop. The car shook and Jason felt a shift in the car. He looked up and Jack was sitting in the driver's seat.
Jason took his headphones off and greeted him, "How you doin' DarkFlood?"
Jack was all hyped up and catching his breath, "Great! I'm starting to really get the hang of this. Don't tell the Doc but I'm gonna try teleporting into the car while its on the highway."
"That's seventy-miles an hour."
"Good thing I can't get hurt."
"But you can teleport into the frame of the car... then what?"
"Good point, kid. I'll try not to-" Jack teleported out as Dr. Randolph finished pumping, waited for the receipt to print, and got back in the car. Jason was once again listening to his music on his computer and they were on the road.
"I wonder where he is." Dr. Randolph said out loud. Jason pretended not to hear him but had a laugh inside his head. That's when Jack materialized in the back seat of the car screaming. Dr. Randolph started to scream as well and nearly crashed the car on the highway before Jack disappeared again. Dr. Randolph was out of his skin. He was terrified and furious at the same time, but still had to drive. Jason was holding his side he was laughing so hard.
Jack teleported into the car lying flat on the back bench.
Dr. Randolph and Jason did not even notice he was there. Randolph was still getting over the screams. "Keep driving, Benson." This time Jason nearly jumped out of the seat along with Randolph. Jack always got the last laugh.
Things settled down after that, as they continued on their trip to Oklahoma...Home. It was a long drive, but there is no way Jack could fly, he could not go anywhere near an airport, especially since he was thought to be dead. Well not Jack, but Philip Dresden. Jack Hanover had his opportunity to become his own person in New York. That was before DarkFlood.
"Jack there's something I need to tell-"
"If you're so good at teleporting now," Jason interrupted Dr. Randolph, "why don't you just teleport home?"
The kid had a good idea. He sat in the backseat and ignored Randolph's admission of guilt. He tried and tried but Randolph could not get Jack's attention. Jack was concentrating on his old house...his parents house. He pictured it in his head. He gathered every aspect and detail he could from his memory and put the picture together like a jigsaw puzzle. He included the feelings of being home and the sentimentality of childhood memories to trigger the release of energy brewing within him. It catapulted him out of the car, through the cracks of reality, and Jack reappeared standing in front of his parent's house in Oklahoma City.
"We thought you were dead..."
* * *
About four hours later Dr. Randolph and Jason arrived at the house in the car. Dr. Randolph got out of the car and walked across the front lawn. Jack teleported directly in front of him and shouldered him to the floor. Randolph scurried back.
"YOU SLEPT WITH HER!" Jacked yelled.
His mother and father ran out of the front door. Jason stood by, he had no idea what to think. Jacked jumped on top of Dr. Randolph and they wrestled on the floor. Mr. Dresden tries to break them up. Along with Jason's help, they are able to get between them.
"Philip! Settle down!" his mother yelled.
"Philip?" Jason wondered.
"Its a long story, kid," Jack, or Philip, sighed, "Where is Sarah?"
"They took her away, Jack." Dr. Randolph was defeated.
"They know I'm alive?"
"We do now." Dr. Fitzsimons came out of the house along with fifty armed trooped hiding all around them.
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