Philip found himself sitting comfortably on the perch of his favorite spot in New York City. Philip sits atop the Empire State Building, this time he does not succumb to his new ability. He has refined it, he has mastered it. Philip can hear the voices selectively. He plans out his crime-sweep and sets out to toss the criminal scum to the curb.
DarkFlood appears in front of two men raping a woman at knife-point. The knife is ripped from one of their hands and quickly turned around and rammed into the gut of the assailant. DarkFlood takes the knife out and throws it into the neck of the other pervert. The woman pulls her clothes back on and thanks DarkFlood as the blood from the two bodies begin to pool around them.
"We're not done yet..." Philip grabs the woman and teleports away.
They land in an apartment building where a man has just finished murdering a boy parents. They lie dismembered on their marital bed. Philip throws the woman at the and tells them to run. The woman wipes her frightful tears away and saves the child from certain death. The doors kick open and three more men rush into the room after looting the house. Philip blows two of them to pieces with his pulse-blast and is shot up by the other two wielding 9mms. Philip takes the bullet that miss his vest and absorb them. His arms and neck are numb from the rapid healing. He slowly walks towards them as his blood sprays everywhere after they finish unloading their clips.
Upon reload DarkFlood grabs them both by the collar and hurls them through the air and into the cement wall. Come to me....come to me...DarkFlood they call're just...just a plague of a species... Philip loses balance. This thought came clear into his head without any filter. It was precise and clear-cut, like a message. Someone was communicating with Philip, taunting him...
...That's it...Find me... DarkFlood...come meet your maker...
Completely distracted, Philip forgets about the woman and the child and leaves for the city skyline. He teleports and glides as the signal being transmitted directly into his head gets louder and clearer. DarkFlood finds himself at the boondocks.
"WELCOME DARK AVENGER!" screams out a mad man sitting on a construction crane, dangling his legs in the air. He wears an odd hat, many sizes too big, yet tight around the brim, as if unevenly made.
"Do I know you?"
"You might, but I sure as hell know all about you, and your rooftop antics, Pilgrim."
"What did you call me?"
"I'm sorry. Don't want to get a head of myself." the crazy man began to laugh hysterically. He clutches his side and accidentally drops one of the chains he was holding in both hands.
"You're mad."
"-Hatter to be precise....but you never are...are you?"
"What do you want?"
"Simple...I want you to make a choice. You see...a super hero is all well and good on paper...But in reality, you have to take the chance everyday that some psycho doesn't approach you with an impossible ultimatum. You see, DarkFlood- I'm saying that correctly?"
"Excellent. You see, DarkFlood...No matter what choice you make will always have to deal with the fact that the only reason this is happening...the only reason people are in because you decided to put on that silly costume this morning!"
The Hatter laughed his face red and fell over as he released both chains. One snapped and rolled all the way up to a pulley system, releasing a lever that starts the industrial compactor stuffed with a school bus fully loaded with kids from PS 118. The other chain he yanks down on and immediately nothing happens.
"...right...give it a moment..."
Consecutive pipe bombs are ignited on the drawbridge as the cars stuck in traffic catch fire and explode one after another. People scramble out of the blockbuster cars in a dire panic. DarkFlood wishes he can stop time. Part of him even considers letting them all die and going after the Hatter, just to teach the sociopaths out there that you can never get the upper hand on DarkFlood, but alas, his conscience bested him once again and Philip teleported into the bus full of screaming children.
"ALL OF YOU!" DarkFlood yelled out, "HOLD HANDS!"
One beautiful calm moment amongst the fray. A circle of hands coming together to save one another, youthful naivety conducted by Philip's tenacity. DarkFlood transported them to the drawbridge in the blink of an eye. He let go of their hands and as he emitted two pulse blasts from his palms he clapped his hands together as hard as he could. The resulting shock-wave blasted out three-hundred and sixty degrees, all the way around the bridge, blowing out the roaring car fires, and stopping the bridge's demolition. DarkFlood climbs to the top rise of the bridge and jumps off into a glide as the citizens of the city cheer for him.
He chases after the Hatter.
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